These ministries encourage women help them to grow in their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Women's Bible Study (October to March - Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m.)

All women are welcome to attend
Come & bring a friend!
Nursery and Preschool programs are available

Radiant Moms - A community for moms in all seasons of motherhood!

Those who look to him are radiant. Psalm 34:4

Radiant Moms is a loving and supportive community of mothers who have a shared purpose of learning how to love and serve their families, each other, the church, and the community. Our goal is to talk about practical concerns and look to Scripture to equip and encourage us in raising our children to know and love the Lord.

We want to connect you with other moms who get you, who know your joys and your struggles and who can offer support and encouragement. At our meetings we have video studies, special speakers, encouragement, mentoring and community.

ALL moms are welcome!

From 1st time expectant mothers to seasoned mothers with older children.

Our group meets on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month from 9:30am-11:00am in the Youth Room at Oakwood Bible Chapel.
Moms have a meeting (including breakfast snacks and coffee/tea), while the babies are in the nursery and toddlers/children have fun in KidsClub!

At KidsClub children enjoy songs, toys, games, crafts, stories, and snack.

The Rad Mom’s year kicks off on Friday, September 20, 2024!

Oakwood Bible Chapel
2514 Cabana Rd W, Windsor, ON N9G 1E5

Please contact Nicole Lamos-Greenhow at nclamos@gmail.com with any questions or more information.

Want to join our Rad Moms Community? Please fill out our Registration Form so we can get to know you better and meet your needs!


Find us on FB & Instagram

Rad Moms Oakwood 
